Bulgaria is one of the oldest European countries with 20-century-old history and traditions. Modern Bulgaria is situated in Southeastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula – a busy crossroad of ancient cultures.
For centuries, the roads passing through the territory of the country have been connecting Europe with Asia and Africa. Four common European transport corridors, connecting West and North Europe with the eastern and southern part of the continent, cross their roads here.
Bulgaria is also known for its splendid nature and rich cultural heritage. According to the statistics, the country ranks third in Europe only after Greece and Italy for the number of its valuable archaeological monuments.
On this page, you will find general information about the country: history, state structure, economy and the national symbols.
Bulgaria is a great country, which is giving birth to great people. Let’s not forget that we have given to the world more than many large nations together.

The crest of Republic Bulgaria is a standing golden crowned lion on a dark red field in the form of a shield. Over the shield there’s a crown, symbol of the crowns of Bulgarian rulers from the Second Bulgarian Kingdom with five crosses and another one on top of the crown. The shield is held up by two standing golden crowned lions facing the shield from both sides. They are standing on two crossed oak twigs with acorns. Under the shield stands a white ribbon with a tri-colored edge with the words “Unity renders power”.The current crest accepted on 31 July 1997 symbolizes the political succession between Kingdom Bulgaria and Republic Bulgaria.
-Did you know that Bulgaria is the only country in Europe which has kept its name till now?
-Did you know that Bulgaria doesn`t have taken captive flag from its establishment until now?
-Did you know that King Kaloyan (a talented Bulgarian ruler) caused the greatest defeat over the Crusaders?
-Did you know that Bulgaria gave Europe one of its official three-Cyrillic alphabets ?
-Did you know that the Bulgarian fighters sacrificed themselves in the name of our freedom?
-Did you know that thanks to its remarkable strategic intelligence Bulgaria defeated in battle many times superior divisions of England, France and Greece?
-Did you know that thanks to General Vazov, Bulgaria gave only 494 killed and 1208 wounded, to more than 60 000 victims of British and Greeks who had attacked us?
-Did you know that more than 150 000 shells had been launched into Bulgarian soldiers on the next attack... but the losses were only three wounded? But days later, we made over 8000 victims?
-Did you know that one year later, officers wore their ceremonial uniforms, sure of their coming death? And at this moment nobody was thinking of himself .And this battle became our greatest victory in modern Bulgaria, it did not give hardly any victims, and destroyed 47 000 British and Greek soldiers, thanks to General Vladimir Vazov and his brilliant strategy , spit and polish discipline. This was the battle near Doyran in 1917.

-Did you know that days later with 350 000 shells fired against us, we gave only 9 killed and 40 wounded?
- Did you know that after this battle the English General Milne remained stunned and wrote in his memoirs: "Two hours after the beginning of the attack two of my divisions were broken “?
-In the name of the great Bulgarian General Vladimir Vazov during his visitation in London , England , all the English flags were taken down.The representative of the British lagion said in his speesh:”He is one of the few foreign generals whose names are on the list of our history”.
-Did you know that the first shell bomb in the world was launched by a Bulgarian man?
-Did you know that the first woman ever participated in a combat flight is the Bulgarian- Raina Kassabova?
-Did you know that Milen Nikolov , who has graduated the Mathematics secondary school in Varna , has solved the problem of millions of people who couldn`t use their mobile phones in the subway.
-Did you know that Dan Koloff ( a famous Bulgarian wrestler ) played over 1500 official matches ...and lost only 2 of them? And when he was asked to become an American citizen because of his brilliant career he has said:”I am strong because I am Bulgarian.”.
-Did you know that Asen Jordanov is one of the personalities who has contributed to the aviation the most .Neal Armstrong said about him :”Not only me , but all of the Americans pilots have been learning from him.”.
-Did you know that a song sung by Valya Balkanska is flying through the space?
-Did you know that Peter Petrov has invented the electronic watch , the world's first wireless heart monitor and the world's first computer system for measuring pollution.
-Did you know thet Asen Jordanoff invented the world's first airbag ?
-Did you know that once again he set up the answering machine?
-Did you know that Dr. Engineer Ivan Nochev invented the engines of the first landed on the Moon module Eagle?
-Did you know that the 6th heart tone was detected by Ivan Mitev ?
-Did you know that Roumen Antonov invented the automatic gear box?
-Did you know that in 2003 , Professor Dimitar Sasselov, found the most distant planet OGLE-TR-56b in the constellation Sagittarius
-Did you know that the ideas developed in the book "Star of the agreement" were serving to the U.S. President Wilson for the formation of his 14 points for peace in the world and laying the foundations of the League of nations.This book was written by Nicolas Dimkov.He changed the world
-Did you know about the projects of Christo Javacheff : The Wrapped Reichstag in Berlin,

wrapped trees in Japan , wrapped Mon Nyof bridge in Paris, The Umbrellas in Japan , the Gates in Central Park , New York.
-Did you know that the special effects in the famous movie trilogy “The Matrix” are made by the Bulgarian Georgy Borshukov.
-Did you know that the oldest gold in Europe was found in Varna?
-Did you know that the space food was invented by a Bulgarian ?
-Did you know that for the creation of a euro coin 2 people were hired.One of them was a Bulgarian woman ...
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